I want to introduce you to a blog post dedicated to helping you learn basic Korean vocabulary. In this post, you'll find a comprehensive guide to mastering 10 essential Korean words. Whether you're just starting or looking to expand your Korean language skills, this post has something for everyone. Each word is carefully explained with examples, making it easy for beginners to grasp. Join us on this journey as we delve into the fundamentals of the Korean language. Happy learning!
Basic Korean Words, Sample Sentences, and Applications for TOPIK (031)
0301 야구 baseball ya-gu
0302 야채 vegetable ya-chae
0303 약 medicine yak
0304 약국 pharmacy yak-guk
0305 약사 pharmacist yak-sa
0306 약속 promise yak-sok
0307 양말 socks yang-mal
0308 양치질 brushing teeth yang-chi-jil
0309 어깨 shoulder eo-kkae
0310 어린이 child eo-rin-yi
야구: Baseball is a popular sport in Korea, and "yagu" is the Korean word for it. You can use this word to talk about your favorite baseball team or players.
야채: Vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet, and "yachae" is the Korean word for them. You can use this word when ordering food or talking about your favorite vegetables.
약: Medicine is used to treat illnesses and injuries, and "yak" is the Korean word for it. You can use this word when talking about taking medicine or going to the pharmacy.
약국: A pharmacy is a place where you can buy medicine and other health products, and "yakguk" is the Korean word for it. You can use this word when asking for directions to a pharmacy or when talking about your favorite pharmacy.
약사: A pharmacist is a person who works in a pharmacy and helps people with their health needs, and "yaksa" is the Korean word for it. You can use this word when talking about your favorite pharmacist or when visiting a pharmacy.
약속: A promise is a commitment to do something or to be somewhere, and "yaksok" is the Korean word for it. You can use this word when making plans with friends or family.
양말: Socks are a necessary item for keeping your feet warm and dry, and "yangmal" is the Korean word for them. You can use this word when talking about your favorite socks or when buying new socks.
양치질: Brushing your teeth is an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene, and "yangchijil" is the Korean word for it. You can use this word when talking about your daily dental routine or when giving advice to others about oral hygiene.
어깨: Your shoulders are the parts of your upper body that are located between your neck and your arms, and "eokkae" is the Korean word for them. You can use this word when describing your physical appearance or when talking about physical activities that involve your shoulders.
어린이: A child is a young person who is not yet an adult, and "eorinyi" is the Korean word for it. You can use this word when talking about your own children or when interacting with young children.
I love watching baseball games on weekends. (나는 주말에 야구 경기 보는 것을 좋아해요.)
She always eats a lot of vegetables for her health. (그녀는 건강을 위해 항상 많은 야채를 먹어요.)
He forgot to take his medicine this morning. (그는 오늘 아침에 약 먹는 것을 잊었어요.)
I need to go to the pharmacy to buy some cough medicine. (나는 감기약을 사러 약국에 가야 해요.)
The pharmacist gave me some advice on how to take my medicine. (약사는 제게 약 복용 방법에 대한 조언을 해주었어요.)
We made a promise to meet at the park tomorrow. (우리는 내일 공원에서 만나기로 약속했어요.)
My socks are too old and worn out. (내 양말은 너무 오래되고 해졌어요.)
I always brush my teeth three times a day. (나는 하루에 세 번 양치질을 해요.)
I hurt my shoulder playing soccer yesterday. (어제 축구하다가 어깨를 다쳤어요.)
The little child was crying for his mommy. (어린 아이가 엄마를 부르며 울고 있었어요.)
KKT (031) Basic Korean Words Quiz for TOPIK
Choose the right Korean word for the following English word.
1. child
a) 약 b) 어린이 c) 야구 d) 양치질
2. socks
a) 양치질 b) 야채 c) 양말 d) 어깨
3. medicine
a) 어린이 b) 약속 c) 약국 d) 약
4. brushing teeth
a) 양치질 b) 야구 c) 양말 d) 약
Choose the right English word for the following Korean word.
5. 야구
a) pharmacist b) medicine c) baseball d) child
6. 어깨
a) shoulder b) promise c) pharmacy d) socks
7. 약사
a) medicine b) pharmacist c) brushing teeth d) vegetable
8. 야채
a) vegetable b) promise c) medicine d) socks
Choose the appropriate word in parentheses.
9. 어제부터 ( )가 아파요.
a) 약국 b) 약속 c) 어깨 d) 야채
10. 치아 건강을 위해 하루에 3번 ( )을 해요.
a) 야채 b) 약국 c) 약사 d) 양치질
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