The Hakgyoansim Puzzle Outline font is an open font (OFL) introduced by the Ministry of Education, 17 provincial offices of education, and KERIS through a public offering for domestic font companies.


    The characteristics of the Hakgyoansim Puzzle Outline font are as follows.


    Emphasizing a full module and round, it conveys a soft and round feel, and adds a stencil style to highlight a strong personality.




    Hakgyoansim Puzzle TTF Outline.ttf


    You can download and install the font file above. This font is available in ttf format only for Windows computers.






    When the font is installed, it is displayed as "학교안심 퍼즐 TTF Outline in word processors such as hwp or docx.



    This font is an Open Font License (OFL) that can be used freely unless it is sold as it is. You can mark the source as follows. Ex) 학교안심 퍼즐 Outline, 한국저작권위원회, 공유마당, OFL / Hakgyoansim Puzzle Outline Font, Korean Copyright Commission, GONGU, OFL

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