KCC Hanbit Font is one of the fonts produced by the Korea Copyright Commission, "Hanbit" is pure Korean, meaning "bright light that leads the world," and Hanbit is a font for video subtitles for the deaf.


    A sign language dingbat for the deaf is included as follows.





    You can download and install the font file above.


    You can download the ttf file on the computer with Windows installed and the otf file on the Apple computer and install the font. woff is a web font.



    When installed, the font is displayed as "KCC-한빛" in word processors such as hwp or docx.





    You can use it freely unless you sell the font program as it is without marking any copyright information.

    Terms of use: The font itself is prohibited from selling for a fee.

    You can research, copy, modify, and redistribute of this font.

    When the font is modified, OFL should be applied to the modified font.

    Bundle (package), insert, and redistribute with other software available.

    However, the initial font and the modified font must be applied by OFL.




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